There are three introduction section that utilize five separate storm chase events. Each chase begins with a setup section that looks at using upper air charts, surface charts, sounding data, satellite and radar imagery. While in hot pursuit, the narrator will use a voice over and paused images to showcase features and notable learning items for the viewer to gain practical knowledge they can use in the field.
- Intro Basics - 22 Minutes
- Intro Structures - 29 Minutes
- Forecasting - 38 Minutes
July 13, 2009 Kadoka SD to Valentine NE Supercell
Witness jaw dropping structure just west of the highway up close and personal view and see just what can happen in the sky with this crazy storm. This storm appeared to be a bit of a "cap rider" as it rode down the west edge of a moisture gradient and on the apparent edge of the capped air.
- Valentine NE Setup - 22 Minutes
- Valentine NE Chase - 32 Minutes
May 22, 2010 Bowdle South Dakota Violent Wedge Tornado
Ride along and view one of the most intense tornadic supercells ever recorded with some close range footage included. Lesson on this violent setup explores big cape, strong cap, big shear and deviant on a boundary.
- Bowdle Setup - 18 MInutes
- Bowdle Chase - 45 Minutes
June 16, 2010 Dupree South Dakota Tornadoes
View a stationary tornadic machine near Dupree SD. Crazy tornado video(just like Bowdle), as the storm produces an amazing long-lived large tornado along with several others (some at the same time!). The main tornado is truly mesmerizing with continually changing motion and shape while remaining stationary. The setup includes a weaker mid-level flow setup that rarely produce this kind of end result of a tornado making supercell.
- Dupree Setup - 25 Minutes
- Dupree Chase - 46 Minutes
June 20, 2011 Bradshaw Nebraska Tornado
Experience a close intercept of the Bradshaw NE tornado. One of the best shots includes the view straight up at the vortex overhead, while the ground circulation crossed the highway a bit east.
- Bradshaw Setup - 23 Minutes
- Bradshaw Chase - 17 Minutes
August 18, 2011 Ewing Nebraska Tornado
Experience windshield cracking hail, a powerful jet engine like rear flank down draft, and the Ewing, NE tornado event all on one chase. We'll examine storm bases, the behavior of storm rotation, and outflow/precipitation cooled air to name a few.
- Ewing Setup - 18 Minutes
- Ewing Chase - 31 Minutes
August 3, 2012 Watertown South Dakota Intense Bow Echo

A linear chase on tap with photo rich outflow moving 60mph down the highway west of Watertown SD. We'll explore issues of too much dry air and evaporational cooling and outflow issues.
- Watertown Setup - 21 Minutes
- Watertown Chase - 18 Minutes
Video Duration
6 Hours 45 Minutes
Video Sections
- Intro Basics - 22 Minutes
- Intro Structures - 29 Minutes
- Some Forecasting - 38 Minutes
- Bowdle Setup - 18 MInutes
- Bowdle Chase - 45 Minutes
- Valentine NE Chase - 32 Minutes
- Dupree Setup - 25 Minutes
- Dupree Chase - 46 Minutes
- Bradshaw Setup - 23 Minutes
- Bradshaw Chase - 17 Minutes
- Ewing Setup - 18 MInutes
- Ewing Chase - 31 MInutes
- Watertown Setup - 21 Minutes
- Watertown Chase - 18 Minutes